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Ben: Underrated Ben Affleck:
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Proof that Matt Damon
Did Not Write Good Will Hunting

by Brian Hines

Ben AND Matt win an award

And the Oscar goes to Ben Affleck ... and MATT DAMON!!

At least that's what it seems like. Good Will Hunting was a great movie, one of the best I've seen, I won't deny that. What I'm pissed off about is that Matt Damon is getting about, oh, a million percent of the credit for writing the movie.

Ben Affleck ALSO wrote that movie, and deserves at least the same amount of admiration for the movie as Matt Damon has been receiving. Actually, now that I think about it, Ben Affleck deserves ALL the credit for that movie. It is my belief that Affleck wrote Good Will Hunting, while Damon is just a pretty boy who can fill the covers of the same magazines those kids from Home Improvement grace.

Reason #1

Saw Through Damon

Ben Affleck had the starring role in Chasing Amy, a movie written and directed by Kevin Smith. It is a scientifically proven fact that Kevin Smith is a genius. His movies, such as Clerks, Chasing Amy and yes, even Mallrats, are three of the greatest movies ever created. In a recent poll I didn't do, 100% of the people I didn't ask would rather watch one of Kevin's movies than be given 10 million dollars.

While Ben starred in Chasing Amy, Matt Damon had only a 3.5 second bit part. That means Ben asked Kevin Smith if his pal, Matt, could have a part in the movie. Smith agreed, but being the genius that he is, created only one line for Damon, and let him be seen on film for just a glimpse. Obviously, Matt Damon can't handle being in really great movies like Ben Affleck can. Kevin Smith can see it, why can't everyone else?

Reason #2

Not good enough for Mr. Big Shot Movie Writer

Matt Damon dumped Minnie Driver. Sure, I can see why. Who in the world would want to date an incredibly attractive actress with a cute accent? I guess Matt Damon wanted to keep his calendar open for all the 15-year-olds he is impressing in the latest issue of Big- Bopper- Teen- Beat- Tiger- Magazine. Or whatever.

This only proves again that Matt Damon isn't very bright. If this guy isn't sharp enough to realize he's dating a REALLY HOT GIRL and should stick with her, then how is he smart enough to write an Oscar-award winning screenplay?

On the other hand, I saw Ben Affleck on MTV with perennial hottie Liv Tyler. Even if they're not dating, or even friends, Ben Affleck DID NOT dump her!

Reason #3

Matt Damon
Matt Damon

Ben Affleck doesn't look as much like my friend Jon. Matt Damon does, and that makes it creepy to watch Good Will Hunting. I kept saying to my buddy next to me in the theater: "I went to high school with someone who looks like that guy." Jon never wrote a movie, therefore Matt Damon never wrote a movie.

Overall, I think I've proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that Matt Damon wrote squat. It's clear to me that Ben Affleck wrote the entire screenplay for Good Will Hunting and decided to give the lead role to his pal, Matt Damon.

Brian Hines has co-directed two movies about driving around Danbury, CT.

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