Published: November 18, 1997
To: Will Hines
From: Claire Delaware
Date: 10/11/97
Re: Impending re-design of Spite Magazine

Basically, if you want to know the truth, I'm really just pissed about the Spite font.

Spite Magazine The Spite font is perfect. I mean, it just summed up the entire attitude. It had sharp edges, and it was bloody red, and you've replaced it with some pussy round-edged Spite logo.

And I don't understand the need to have standard formats throughout the magazine, either. I think it's stupid. Each piece has it's own personality and should be allowed to express it in its visuals.

I chose the Spite font. You have no right to change it just because you think you're the editor, and that you're more important than the Creative Consultant. You're wrong. It was MY idea. I run things behind the scenes here at Spite Magazine.

Spite! You don't know anything about Spite!

Spite is about the name Spite. Spite Magazine was born from the word Spite and all its glorious connotations. And the second step in that creative process was finding the right font, and now you're screwing that up.

fish thingSpite leads to ideas of all the people you hated in high school, and the ways you thought you could rip them apart piece by piece. And your boss, and what you want to do to your boss. And that chick who slept with your boyfriend. Angry, but also sort of detached. You can just sort of stand back and think of the most evil way you could get back at someone.

There's no such thing as a professional Spite magazine. What an antithetical concept! Spite Magazine is supposed to be spontaneous. It's supposed to be what comes out from thinking freely about things you hate. Professional is polite, and Spite is never polite.

Going from the black pages to the white pages was a mistake, too, but only because you did it after you decided that everyone else had a black page. You have to put what you want on your page regardless of what everyone else is doing. If your page is cool, it's cool unto itself. Not cool in relation to anything else. Besides, black is fucking cool. It doesn't get any cooler than a black background and a bright red Spite, in the Spite font.

The Spite font is always going to be the Spite font to me.

And another thing, that other Spite Magazine. What the hell kind of name is Spite Magazine for a poetry magazine? If you're going to take the URL, use it for something worthwhile. Poetry is for sissies. (Editor's Note: Lisa is referring to another Spite Magazine which peacefully co-existed with us until we trademarked the name. They once had a poem on their front page.)

SpiteyAnd you can't leave out the Spider! What better to represent Spite than a spider? I don't even know what to say about it. You're going to replace it with some dude with a lumpy body instead of a sleek spider, which has the word Spite in its name, for God's sake. A spider is the perfect symbol for Spite Magazine. Especially on the web. The creatures in the original table of contents were my idea, by the way. Worms, grubs, warty frogs, and fucked-up looking fish (inspired by the Natural History Museum sea devils).

And now it's all going to be replaced. Short-sighted, I say. Short-sighted and completely out of character. Getting away from what the magazine is really about. That's what happens when you bring in professional designers.

Claire Delaware is the primary creative consultant for Spite Magazine. She thinks California is its own country. This piece is presented in the old format out of respect to her views.

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