A SPITE Valentine's Day Special, Published: February 10, 1997
Cupid Celibacy...
or How I Learned To Stop Shagging
And Hate the World

A 500-Word Rant
by Chris Sharp

Sex in the movies... not nudity, or how sex is corrupting our

children, but how sex is always seen as the most momentous event

that can possibly occur, the penultimate scene in almost every film

is the guy getting the girl. Is there any film that doesn't have a love

interest? And I'm not talking here about James Bond bedding

beautiful women in twelve different languages, I'm talking about

the no-it's-not-sex-it's-making-love-really bits where emotions

overcome the stars of the film and they fall into each others arms...

try thinking of a film which doesn't have this obsession with

sex-as-redemption... then think of all those exceptions you've come up

with and eliminate all those that involve a "family" as our star's

redeeming characteristic... with what's left, get rid of everything where

our star is a tough, unconventional wise-cracker, who disrespects

authority... what's left? In Hollywood over the past 100 years

not a damned lot that I can see [Psycho, Citizen Kane, Godfather,

but these are really cinematic art, rather than just films]... maybe I'm

just railing against the idea that we need a family or an 'other half'

to complete us in life, there are times when I wonder why whoever

is in charge is doing so much to stop us thinking... but then I realize

that we are falling down all the same traps our ancestors did - Adam

and Eve begot Kane and Abel to populate Eden, and to propagate

their characteristics... we have children so that some small part of us

can live on... we have children so someone is left to shop once we die,

someone else is left to have consumption as the basis of their

satisfaction, their personality, their religion. Think about it like this...

If we were to compare capitalism to a bonfire... let's build a fire, and

have everyone gather around, but instead of making the fire wider,

so more people can get warm, let's make it taller so the people

at the front can roast, and everyone else can freeze, and let's wave

the fire in front of everyone's faces so they strive for its growth,

but still can only feel the faintest flicker of heat in an autumnal

breeze... and let's just keep on building up this fire, way past

the stage where it's usual or useful, and let's measure the success

of this fire not in how much it does what it is supposed to do,

which is give heat and light to everyone, but by how much it GROWS...

so if it doesn't grow then it's a failure.. does the sun hate itself for not

growing every year? what does the moon think when it sees the sun?

Cupid If there were two of you, which one would win?

What if you've already won?

Chris Sharp is a young man from Britain
who enjoys making obscure references to marmalade.

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