further — 2 of 11

Will Hines

Release 5

Chapter 1 - The Player

The player is in Foggy Room.

Color is a kind of value. The colors are grey, red, yellow, blue, green, black and white.

The player has a color. The player is grey.

Thickness is a kind of value. The thicknesses are wispy, billowing, dense, thick, ropy and substantial.

The player has a thickness. The player is wispy.

The description of the player is "A loose collection of [shade] [thickness of player] energy, barely held."

After taking inventory:

say "You are currently existing in a [shade] [thickness of player] state.";

continue the action.

Every turn when the player is not in The Gates and the current action is not helping, bighelping or abouting:

if a random chance of 1 in 7 succeeds:

say "(It's so hard to know what is happening. You yearn to disperse.)";

try flashing.

Flashing is an action applying to nothing.

Carry out flashing:

repeat with possession running through things held by the player:

if possession is unvisited and target of possession is location of player, say "The [possession] shivers excitedly -- it knows this place.".


Dispersing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "disperse" as dispersing.

Carry out dispersing:

say "You try to, but cannot. You remain."