WIFE is at a computer typing a document. HUSBAND is sitting next. They're both about 50. He's a slobby jerk.


Type in my name on the invitation.

Shot of wife typing "Gerald" and then BOLD-ing it.


Bold? Don't bold! That's stupid!

Shot of wife selecting "Undo." It un-bolds.


Why would you BOLD a name? What're you gonna bold everything?

Wife is mad. She selects UNDO again. He name vanishes.


Now you took away my name!

Wife keeps hitting UNDO rapidly. The following series of things happen.

Her word document closes.
Windows start folding closed on her desktop.


Hey, you closed the invite!

We see her clicking UNDO rapidly.

Programs and icons are vanishing and re-appearing.

The DESKTOP changes from a picture of a fat cat to a skinnier version of that cat to a kitten.

The operating system of her computer goes from VISTA to 2000 to XP to ME to 95.


What are you doing?

The room starts changing. The movie poster behind her changes from WALL-E to AMERICAN BEAUTY to TITANTIC to FORREST GUMP.

She looks at him with narrow eyes.

A beard appears on him. Then it's gone. then it's a mustache. Then it's a Fu Manchu. Then it's gone, but he has sideburns. Then it's gone. His hair is thicker. He looks younger.

Her hair lengthens. She gets thinner. Her clothes get sexier -- a dress, some boots.

He's wearing flannel and has hair like Kurt Cobain now. The computer is a Mac Classic. She's still hitting UNDO.


This is amazing!

She stops hitting UNDO.


We're young again! Sweetheart, this is a miracle!

She presses UNDO one more time. He vanishes and is replaced by a different guy in glasses.


Mary ellen! I thought you were moving away with Al!

She hugs him.

VOICEOVER: Microsoft Office. Make everything better.