COACH giving a halftime talk to a team.


All right men, I'm not gonna lie to you, we got a big game tonight. And the other team? Bigger, stronger, faster. So maybe what we should tell ourselves is "Hey, it doesn't matter if we win -- all that matters if we fight hard and show people that we're trying to do our best." Well, I got some bad news for you: there's only one place where how you play matters -- and that is the SCOREBOARD. If you want to show this town that you are the kind of MEN that deserve to be respected and remembered than you have got to do what you came here to do, and reach into your hearts, and find the courage you need to get out there and WIN THAT GAME.

COACH takes out an apple and takes a bite.


The odds are against us. We play these guys 100 times, they beat us 99. But what you gotta tell yourself: this is gonna be that one time (bites apple). I'm gonna run 5% faster, I'm gonna be 5% smarter, I'm gonna be 5% less tired. I'm gonna become whatever I have to become to do my job. To be a fighter. To Be A CHAMPION.

Takes out a bottle of soda water, drinks. We see the bubbles. He takes out an enormous ham sandwich. The lettuce is spilling out.


Start telling yourself NOW "I am NOT tired. I am NOT scared." Because when it's GO time you're not gonna have a chance to talk yourself into anything. You have to be READY. You think Michael Jordan waited until the 4th quarter to tell himself he was gonna win? No effin' way.

COACH reaches into a locker and pulls out a jar of peanut butter and some hot dog buns. He spreads the peanut butter into a hot dog bun and takes a bite.


Some of you are thinking "This is just a game." Yeah, if you want it to be. But it's also a chance for something far greater: glory. The WHOLE TOWN is out there!  (drinks water, he spills it) You win now, they will be talking about it to their grandchildren, I promise you.  (napkin, wipes mouth then tucks it into his shirt). The next four quarters are a goddamn window to IMMORTALITY, if only YOU'VE got what it takes to step through it (more apple -- hard to hear him now). I hope you're not waiting for another guy to do the work -- you gotta look at yourself and say "I'M doing this." That way, when it's over you can look in the mirror and say in full honesty "That is a hero."

COACH eats a bit of everything. His mouth is really full.


Okay, let's get out there and win.

No one moves.


C'mon! Let's get out there!

No one moves. Coach drinks water. Clears his throat. Takes a beat. Then, very calmly:


I said you guys could go now.

Team walks out. One guy shouts "Yeah!" and to him the coach gives a thumbs up as he keeps eating.