WILL HINES - 917 721 1138 /

STEVE ZANVETTOR, a mid-30s burnout, addresses the camera. He speaks in happy, carefree tone. He has an unkempt beard, wears a baha jacket and cargo shorts and is holding a bag of Funions.


America! What is up, duders? My name is Steve Zanvettor and I have bought this time on national television to bring you an important message: if you have a plan or idea for something to do -- anything at all -- I am up for it.

You don't know me yet, future friends. But the deal is this: I am in such a good mood at all times that if I ever cross paths with any of you -- and at that time you want to do something -- anything -- I am up for it. So let's go.

STEVE turns to the right. A different camera films him, in a close-up.


What kind of things am I into? Pick-up basketball. Record shopping. Vandalism. Smoking marijuana. Abstaining from smoking marijuana. Smoking marijuana again. Chilling out in a field. Pull-ups. Coin defacing. Reading historical novels set in the ocean. Running at top speed. Bookbinding. A year-long confidence scam of a loving family. Backgammon. Whatever, man! I'm up for it.



I am currently semi-employed at the A&P at North Street Shopping Center in Danbury, CT, primarily in the frozen food aisle. If you're passing by, tap me on the shoulder and say hey because I'm into it.

Back to straight-on medium shot of STEVE.


You see: not enough people approach me with ideas. My immediate circle of friends....

INSERT shot of STEVE with four dudes dressed just like him, all bearded, all spaced out.


are not proactive enough with plans and schemes. Their last idea was in 2008, when we went to city hall and started bucket drumming. Great plan, but it's been too long. I wanna do stuff, man, so hit me up.

Switch to a side shot.


What kind of people should approach me? Anyone. Young people. Oldies. Squares. Authority figures. Submissives. Teens angry at their parents. Men. Women. Infants. Diplomats. People at emotional crossroads. Rigid business executives. Quirky chicks. Quirky diplomats. Quirky infants. You conceive the notion and I will help set it in motion.

Back to a front-on shot.


I currently reside in the affordable housing units across from RollerWorld in Danbury, CT, and am constantly ready to socialize. You're asking: "Is your good mood drug related?" Answer: Not always.

INSERT shot of Rollerworld roller rink.


My special skills include: Penmanship. Introductory massage techniques. Throwing. Chatting people up. An extensive knowledge of the works of Blues Traveler. Making cool faces. Finding parking spots. Coin defacing. Lord of the Rings fan fiction. Old timey marbles. Bucket drumming.

I would give out my cell number but I do not have a phone.

CUT TO a close-up.

Who? Me and you. What? Anything. When? Right about now, funk soul brother. My name is Steve Zanvettor. I'm into it. I mean up for it! Wait, can we shoot it again?

TITLE ON SCREEN: Steve Zanvettor: Into it.


This network would like to remind you that this it not a dating site. This is a commercial, which Steve Zanvettor paid for using what we presume is his life savings. Engage him in your plans at your own risk. This network cannot be held responsible.