Spite presents a comprehensive academic theory:
by Will Hines

All comedy, no matter what, falls somehow into one of these three categories:

1. Self-Deprecation
Witness Conan O' Brien, the letters section of Mad Magazine, Woody Allen movies, and Ben Stiller. Putting yourself down is a guaranteed laugh.
2. Overconfidence
Anyone supremely confident, like Phil Hartman on News Radio, is funny. But the best division of this group are the people who are overconfident while remaining oblivious to their own social incompetence. Witness Inspector Clouseau, Steve Martin's 1970's personality, that kid in Rushmore and Ace Ventura.
3. The Keystone Kops
Those huge hats! The overcrowded cars! The way they all jumped up when any one of them whistled! These guys were great!

Will Hines really likes songs by Freedy Johnston. So much, that when he plays a song by anyone many times in a row, he calls it "Freedying."

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