further — 8 of 11

Will Hines

Release 5

Section 2 - Focusing

Focusing is an action applying to one thing.

Understand "focus on [something]" and "focusing on [something]" and "focus [something]" as focusing.

Check focusing:

if the noun is a memory:

if the noun is unvisited and the player is not in the target of the noun:

let thump be the best route from the location of the player to the target of the noun;

say "This memory belongs to a room, and you're not in it. But you feel the [noun] long to go [thump]." instead;


continue the action;


say "You can only focus on memories, usually." instead.

Carry out focusing:

if the noun is unvisited:

say "[the realization of the noun][para]";

if the thickness of the player is not substantial:

now the thickness of the player is the thickness after the thickness of the player;

now the noun is visited;

now the home of the noun is finished;

if the noun is robe:

change the up exit of Ice Floes to Cement Room;

change the down exit of Cement Room to Ice Floes;

now the color of the player is the color of the noun;

if the target of the noun is unclear:

now the target of the noun is clear;

try looking;

say "You feel yourself... whatever you are.. thicken. The memory of [description of noun] fills you up...you [one of]pulsate[or]billow out and collapse[or]waver[or]swirl frantically[or]revolve[at random] and then [one of]turn[or]fade into[or]shimmer into[at random] [shade][default letters].".